Insights 12 February 2025

Deutsche Numis has been appointed as joint
corporate broker to XPS Group PLC


We have been appointed as joint corporate broker to XPS Group, a £740m market cap FTSE 250-listed business specialising in the UK pensions consulting and administration market.

This is a landmark appointment for the Deutsche Numis business services franchise and the start of an exciting new partnership with the XPS team.

The Deutsche Numis business services team is thrilled to have been appointed by XPS Group PLC, a leading consulting and administration company in the UK, and we look forward to supporting the XPS team on the next stage of its growth journey.
Stuart Skinner, Managing Director, and Head of UK Business Services IB at Deutsche Numis

We’re delighted to have welcomed a number of new corporate broking clients over the past year, including most recently Informa PLC, Diageo PLC and IMI PLC.